Gaius Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius CaesarGaius Julius Caesar was born in a noble family, Julio, around 102 BC. Cognomen, or surname Caesar, meant "Hairy" which was especially inappropriate for Caesar, who was later highly bald. Nomen, or middle name Julius, was the name of the clan, while praenomen Gaius was his personal name.

As a student, while he traveled to study elocution to the Mediterranean island of Rhodes, Caesar was captured by pirates. Who have demanded a ransom of 20 talents, Caesar said that he is worth 50, and swore that, after they get the money, he will come back and crucify all of them. The Pirates thought that he was joking, but when they got the money, previous threat came true, he slit their throats as a sign of kindness. After he barely avoided being killed by the dictator Sulla, Caesar as all the other young aristocrats climbed the ladder from bottom,working in less important republic services. In 70th BC he was elected for quaestor position and sent to the province of Spain.
Gaius Julius CaesarWhen he was in Gades, he saw a statue of Alexander the Great and sighed at the thought that Alexander at the age of 30 years has conquered the whole world, while he himself did not achieve anything important. After he returned to Rome,Caesar worked tirelessly to gain reputation. Till 59 BC he became so influential that he was elected for consul, which was the highest function in the Roman Republic. Together with powerful Pompeii and Crassus they founded the Triumvirate, the rule of three that had the highest power. Caesar was appointed proconsul, or governor of the province of Gaul, and was given command of a huge army. From 58. till 49 BC he won a large area on the other side of Alps. Meanwhile Crassus was killed on Middle East 53 BC in a disastrous military campaign and the Senate got more afraid of Caesar's ambitions. Pompeii sided with the Senate, which on 49 BC ordered Caesar to hand over command over military forces and to return to Rome. Ignoring the command, he led his army across the Rubicon River in Italy and caused a civil war. After Pompeii was killed next year in Egypt, Caesar had no serious enemies. After victory, Rome took a dictatorial direction.

Gaius Julius Caesar

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